Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse [Sign Up]

I’ve been in an RP like this for about a month now and it’s been going great. :3
I pretty much stole all of this so I have no idea why it too so long to write. ;-; (Sapph is so lazy)
The Plot
It was a Thursday. Nothing special was going to happen, as far as you knew it was just another day. You had been out at work, school or wherever you had to be. You were on your way home when something very strange happened. You began to feel faint and you heard something in the distance. Screams and yells. You turned around to look behind you, but everything went black and you fainted.

The next thing you knew you were in the middle of a road in a city you"ve never seen before. It was deserted. You wandered around, looking for someone who might know something, someone to reassure you that you were safe. It took a while, but you found someone, but then you realized something was very wrong. This person tried to attack you and kill you. It was no regular person though, it was bloody and torn. You were practically certain this thing was a zombie. You were forced to either kill it or run away from it. Whatever you did, you managed to leave the encounter unharmed, luckily enough. Even though you killed that one, you began to feel watched, boxed in and trapped by the large structures around you. You left the city center and tried to think of a plan, but everything that you think of has some kind of flaw which would prove a huge problem for you.

Trying to survive on your own would be suicide, but luckily for you you find others. One by one or in small groups you manage to find others. However, this is different from your normal group of humans. These are people you know, people you would never expect to see here, in your life. Whether they"re friends, idols or characters from a book or a video game you somehow know them, although it is likely that they won"t know you. Together you band up and decide to try and work together to get through this thing.

You are almost certain that surviving will be easy now, but unfortunately there are other groups who may be willing to steal, hurt or even kill you. You soon realize that there will be times that you might have to do something that you don"t want to do, but in times like these there are only two options: Live, or Die.
The Infected
To make things more interesting, the zombies in this RP will be a bit of a mix between the Left 4 Dead and The Walking Dead infected. The zombies are slow, but can only be killed by having their heads destroyed. What"s worse is that they tend to horde so sometimes it"s best to get down and hide instead of fighting them. They have poor eyesight but a great sense of hearing and they are able to distinct smells like Boomer bile and fresh blood.

Now onto the fun part. Special Infected are infected which have developed different characteristics to that of those regular zombies. Too make it fair, these infected can be killed in other ways than destroying the head. Shooting them enough times in the chest will probably work just as well, but a head-shot is still more effective against them.
The typical Special Infected are:

The Hunter
The Hunter makes a growling sound before it attacks. It is a hooded infected who pounces on it"s opponents and claws them to death. They deal more damage than the other special infected, except for Tanks and Witches of course. They aren"t very hard to kill, but they are fast and can jump far distances and are significantly quieter than the other infected.

The Boomer

Boomers make gurgling sounds. The Boomer throws up on it"s opponents and spreads vomit when it explodes. It explodes when hit in the body with a strong enough blow, or if it falls from a tall enough height. It"s vomit can be weaponised. When thrown, it attracts a horde of zombies. This can be used as a distraction when trying to sneak past a horde. It can also be thrown on other infected, triggering an attack onto them.

The Smoker

The Smoker is weak, but can grab survivors from a distance using it"s tongue. It"ll bring the survivor towards them and hit them or constrict them while hanging them over an edge. They make a coughing sound and leave a trail of smoke. When killed they release a cloud of smoke making it harder to see and to breath, but it only lingers for a short while.

The Spitter

Spitters make shrieking sounds and leave trails of glowing acid. They are also fairly weak and easy to kill, like the Smokers. They spit acid which hurts the longer the enemy stands in it. This acid doesn"t affect other zombies for some reason.

The Jockey

The Jockey makes laughing noises and jumps on the head of enemies. It steers them into danger or away from other survivors. Jockeys take quite a few hits to kill but don"t deal much damage on their own.

The Charger

The Charger makes grunting noises and roars when it charges, like a rhino. They charge in a straight line and charge until they get tired or hit something. They are quite powerful and can hit a lot of people in their charge, but only grab one person. Once they grab their opponent they repeatedly smash them into the ground until the enemy dies.

The Witch

The Witch cries with her head in her hands and does not attack unless provoked. She wanders in the day time but sits still when it is dark. She
will ignore survivors and cry unless a bright light is shone on her, a survivor gets too close or she is attacked. She will target the survivor which disturbs her and she can incapacitate her opponent almost instantly. She will continue to claw at them until they die or she dies. You can escape the Witch by getting somewhere she can"t get you. After a while, or after she has killed her prey, she will run away to cry elsewhere. She is fairly tough to kill. The most efficient way of taking her out is delivering a strong enough blow to the back of her head without noticing. Another method is starting the assault from a safe enough distance.

The Tank

The Tank is the toughest infected and can throw large chunks of earth at the infected. He is deadly and can send his opponents flying with a single punch. The best way to kill a Tank is to light him on fire or throw Boomer Bile at him then avoid him. He will be distracted by the other infected who are attacking him, giving the survivors some time to escape. Unfortunately, when he is on fire this makes him significantly faster, but his large size prevents him from getting into small spaces that he cannot break through, like a tunnel. He moves incredibly slow when crawling so is easier to kill in crowded places due to his speed.

More information can be found here.

Character Infected
Other than these special infected you may also have to face the challenge of character zombies. The virus is airborne and is on everyone. You will become a zombie when you die, bitten or not. The only way this can be prevented is to destroy your brain while you are alive or soon after death. The time it takes for someone to become a zombie varies. Sometimes it is immediate and sometimes it can take as long as a day. No-one really knows what lengthens or shortens the time.
Characters who become zombies keep the same powers as when they were alive so it is best to kill them before they change, but leaving your team mates as zombies can be used tactically to defeat other groups, but there is always the risk you may run into them yourself.
Sign Up Rules

[ul][li]PMU rules apply.[/li]
[li]You must make an OC (Original Character) who is your main character. They don’t have to be the group leader, but if your OC dies, then so do the other team members. However, no-one knows this until the OC actually dies. If the OC dies then the whole team disappears.[/li]
[li]Your OC can have 2 skills, but only include one in your form for now.[/li]
[li]Include a theme song for your character to prove that you have read the rules.[/li]
[li]You can have up to 8 other characters and a mascot. This makes a maximum of 10 characters in total. You don’t have to have this many of course, but remember, some characters might get bitten or die by other means. Minimum of 2 characters.[/li]
[li]Personalities for characters other than your Main OC are optional, but preferable.[/li]
[li]Each character needs a job. You don’t have to use all of these, you can have a whole team of medics if you wanted, but I don’t think that’d work out too well. You can make other jobs, but you will have to explain what the job is. A character can also have split jobs, so can be a Weapons Expert/Craftsman. Here are some of the main ones:[/li]
-Team Leader- The Team Leader makes all of the important decisions and is responsible for the rest of the group.
-Brawler/Warrior/Soldier- Usually the strongest member of the group. Generally more offensive and can kill others easier than the other group members. Typically better at fighting other characters.
-Speed Fighter- Generally the faster than other members of the team. Kills the enemies faster than the other team members.
-Stealth Experts- Use stealth skills to their advantage. Can kill others silently or without being detected. Snipers and spies count as Stealth Experts.
-Weapons Expert- They know their stuff. Can work well with lots of different weapons. Can help others with their weaponry.
-Craftsman- Craftsmen can make weapons, items and useful objects out of the ordinary things they find laying around.
-Supply Gatherers/Suppliers- Can sneak into and out of places withoout being discovered. Also good with avoiding and getting out of problems like hordes and special infected while still getting the stuff they need.
-Brains The smart guy. Can make plans and strategies and tend to think of the most logical options for problems. However, they do need some time to think about important things like dangerous missions and such which is why Team Leaders are also important in decision making.
-Medic- Heals other people.
-Mascot- The one who typically represents the group. Doesn’t exactly have a very important job, but are generally useful from time to time or can survive well enough on their own…somehow.[/ul]

Sign Up Forms
Original Character form. You need at least one of these. This character will be your main character. They will get one special ability, but they won"t realize they have this until later, some time after they have found all of their group members. I don"t mind what these abilities are as long as they won"t be incredibly OP. If you need some ideas feel free to PM me. :3


[b]Appearance[/b]: (Picture or Description)

[b]Job[/b]: (Team Leader, Medic, That dude with the car etc...)
[b]Weapon(s)[/b]: (Optional)
[b]Natural Skills/Abilities[/b]: (Faster/smarter/stronger etc... than other people. Optional)
[b]Power[/b]: (Invisibility, speed boost, higher jump, manipulation of an element etc...)



Use the form below for any other group members you have. You can make more OCs and you can use any other character you want. (If there are duplicates I might ask you to change them. There are some exceptions, such as Pokemon). Mascots also use this form. As said in the rules, Personalities are preferred but they are optional. Only preferred because it saves me time looking around to find out who they are.



[b]Skill(s)/Power(s)[/b]: (If the character has loads, you don"t have to mention them all, just the ones you will be using or are most important)
[b]Home[/b]: (If they are not OCs, what do they come from? For example, Pikachu is from Pokemon.)

[b]Personality[/b]: (Optional)
