uhhhmm pls forgive meh....

im sorry to all that i killed in mt bar and in ss…

i know that i have a bad attitude but i can change it like what thebluewolf says ur not the old darktwo anymore…
my old friend is a good player…

ok for now sorry to all the bad things that i said to you guys pls forgive meh…

u to flare im sorry for what i do to u with that pointing arrows pls forgive me guys…

i can changed now im gonna help peoples again…


I see no reason for you to be PERMA muted and staff gives no reason…they should tell us the reason so we can fix the problem because that was just random and wierd.Staffs tell us the reason. .-.

5/7/2010 2:10:22 AM] Ankoku Flare: Permamuted Darktwo, he’s already been muted a good amount of times and still haven’t seen much results


ive been bad all the time .-.

Sure U Kinda Treated Me Bad Sometimes Darktwo…But Thats Not The Point…Well…Maybe A Little…Well…I Still Dont See A Reason Why You Are PERMA Muted…Anyone Can Change…You All Know It…If Any Staff Can See This…Well…You Can Give Dark Another Chance…?I Mean…Its Worth It…But, Hey…Whatever…

its funny how other staff dont even KNOW why he was muted.

and as i’ve said before, that doesn’t surprises me at all.

i dont really know what happened, if the mute was worthy or not, but he seems highly sorry enough…

Yeah…The Staff SHOULD Give A Reason…But I Also See That He Is Very Sorry…

As a player that is close to the staff and knows how most of them work, I’m appauled by these posts!

5/7/2010 2:10:22 AM] Ankoku Flare: Permamuted Darktwo, he’s already been muted a good amount of times and still haven’t seen much results


ive been bad all the time .-.

DarkTwo gave you the reason, now look at it. BAsically, he’s been Muted because of behavior.
Sometimes the reason is too obvious for the staff to say.

Your were muted because you were muted. Don’t go about trying to get unmuted… they will unmute you when they want to.

Hm if dark is permamuted, maybe it will be forever but seriously,he know that he made a mistake so it shall end now.

Well you are gone from PMU so the problem is gone :|