Darkyy's Mapping Contest 2014!!! :D

Hiya Guys!! darkyy here! i will be makeing…
A mapping contest!!! Ok The prizes? Err.
Well i have for 1st place Armor fossil
And for 2nd place is still in progress
So is the 3rd, But ill make some more prizes and see what can i get! OK Now! the contest will have 35 players! Whats the theme you may ask?
yup!! sign up Sheet:
In-game name~:
Players house~:

Well since the prizes are still in progress i will tell you that to try your best! and also have fun! :D :D :heart:

Judges:1. darkyy ,Tactician,fire rage
the contest, and also be online Please! OH! i forgot to say that Hmm you will have until everyone is done! in my time lol for this~~
Ok I think i said everything :D well have fun everyone and do your best i look forward to see some mappings <3

  1. Gardievoir/Gardievoir
  2. King Empoleon/King Empoleon
  3. Tidal/Tidal
  4. Spikycabbage/spikycabbage
  5. Funkylaurens/Funkylaurens
  6. Rickyo3o/RickyPDC
  7. fire rage/fire rage
  8. Cloudz/Cloudz

In-Game: Gardievoir
Player-House: Gardievoir
Theme: Marsh Party
Comments: My House Isnt Extended o-o

well nah its ok as long as you had fun doing this contest! you will be fine! :joy: :heart:

in-game name~: King Empoleon
Players house~: King Empoleon
Theme~: Nightmarish
Comments~: Not really finished but might try during this week

sure, i’ll join.
in-game name: tidal
players house: tidal
theme: autumn
comments: was wishing for summer to be there, but oh well

oh i forgot to ask, but when does it finish?

I will be judging until theres 35 players~ :D

I shall join this contest heuehuehu…
In-game name: Spikycabbage
Players House: Spikycabbage
Theme: Creative (Idk I might change it)
Comments: Uh Good luck everyone.

Kk! Ok i posted you~

Just saying, but I don’t find it fair that we have to have 50 members joining, I mean a lot of people use it for 50x50 houses, etc. That’s why most of them joined, so imo 50 is to much. your choice, but i don’t really support…

Hmm you know what imma put 35 players ! :ooooo

In-game name~: Funkylaurens
Players house~: Funkylaurens
Theme~: Autumn
Comments~: I have a 32x30 house if that’s allowed

just saying; i think that people should only use the default size house. it’s kind of unfair, the fact that the bigger the house the more the detail the house will have, the more unfair it will be. sorry to just you know. acting like a complete noob, but i think it’s for the best. not just for me, but for everyone else

Actually, I’ve seen some really great houses that were both default and expanded. Honestly, you could make a great house without expansion, and if it is expanded, it just means you have more space to work with. As a mapper, I always challenge my abilities with these houses, regardless of size. That’s basically what this contest is as well. To challenge your mapping skills.

Honestly, size doesn’t matter in the detail of things. You can have a big house with a lot of trees and stuff, but you can also have a small house with a small island that has a bunch of flowers and palm trees with the ocean swaying in the background. It’s all up to the creator of the house of what level of detail is put into a house.

Hey Expand is ok! And also Tidal This is why its called a “constest” And i have seen some awesome houses thats default :D Also tact you can be judge with me! :D

Alright then! :) I’ll be happy to help out.

In-game name~: Rickyo3o
Players house~: RickyPDC
Theme~: Nightmarish. Them spooks.
Comments~: Many might have already seen it, from the redo or even th eone i mad ein Mr peeko acc. It features many stories at once, so reading is very important, Drifloons tell the story of the mansion, the diaries spread across, a reporters case, the pokemon inside the mansion can either lie or tell the truth, check everything and uncover the mysteries that lie ahead. All the house is accesible, you must find your way though. Everything from doors, to statues, ropes, tvs, photos have text. Thats what i usually say when people come in it when im there, lol.

Woah lol and yes i have seen your house its nightmarish :o i like it! ok i posted you on the sign up names~

Thankies :3 Worked really hard on it xD But it all pays off having fun in it!

I’ll join, not much I have to do. Tidal, the size of the house doesn’t matter, it’s the quality in which the mapper puts into it.

In-game name~: fire rage
Players house~: fire rage
Theme~: Spring or Autumn
Comments~: Goodluck.

In-game name~: Cloudz
Players house~: Cloudz
Theme~: Nightmarish
Comments~: Can’t wait :o It’s not extended, but I’ll probably extend it before the contest is over. :joy: